BoatUS and Veteran Yacht Sales have teamed up to provide our customers a great value. Get one-year complimentary Boat US Membership plus Unlimited GOLD Towing Membership when you list your boat for sale, or you purchase a boat at Veteran Yacht Sales. If your boat is due for renewal during the listing process, Veteran Yacht Sales will renew your membership. If you purchase a boat from Veteran Yacht Sales, your one-year annual membership will be submitted at closing.

BoatUS is the oldest and largest association of recreational boaters.  For over 50 years, they have provided reliable service, meaningful savings and representation for boaters everywhere, over half a million Members strong, they are the nation’s most-trusted service provider both on and off the water.

Boating is Better when you BELONG” to BoatUS!

For more information, visit Boat Owner’s Association of The United States | BoatUS, or Contact us today to get started.